Yi Lin

I'm an

About Me

I design and build user interface components to enhance application performance using modern React and ES6 Javascript.

Full Stack Developer & Web Developer.

I use the latest web design technologies to make your website or app successful.

  • Phone: 8575266621
  • City: New York, USA
  • Degree: Bachelor's
  • Email: yilin5324@gmail.com

I am a software engineer who is always up for learning new things and constantly exploring new areas of work. I am also able to leverage my existing skills and expertise to solve challenging problems.


These are the technologies I use on a day to day basis

View My Resume


I am able to translate mock-ups into semantic HTML. I am familiar with working with designers that use technologies like Figma.


I use CSS to help improve the customer experience. I'm familiar with Tailwind and CSS in JS, which lets me build these experiences efficiently in my codebase.


I spend my days writing Typescript, specifically ES6. I'm accustomed to writing both static and dynamic websites with it.


React.js is my go-to tool for making frontend applications. I've used it to create an internal component package, integrating third-party tools like React Router and Redux for better navigation and state management.


I can use Expo and React Native to make mobile apps. With Expo's router and React Native tools, I've created several apps that are easy to use and navigate.


I am able to build backend APIs using Node.js and Express. With these tools, I was able to build multiple services that relied on a database and authentication.


Familiar with Auth0 for implementing secure and scalable user authentication across applications, aligning with modern security standards and best practices.


I know how to use Firebase for user sign-in on React web and React Native mobile apps. I've set up both email-password and Google login options, making it easy and secure for users to access the apps.


I am able to use Amazon Web Services (AWS) such as S3 and Cloudfront to deploy static applications. I also use AWS CDK on a daily basis to manage all my AWS services.

Flask (Python)

Proficient in Flask for building robust backend APIs, utilizing MVC structure. Skilled in integrating SQLAlchemy for database interactions.

Spring (Java)

Experienced in using Spring Framework for creating scalable backend APIs, leveraging MVC architecture. Proficient in incorporating Spring Data JPA for database interactions.

Fiber (Go)

Proficient in using Fiber for creating high-performance, scalable backend APIs following MVC architecture. Experienced in database interactions using GORM, Go's robust ORM library, for streamlined data handling.


I enjoy prototyping and building applications. My recent work and projects are below

DevelopMe(Mentorship App)

Live Site

GitHub Repo: Client/Server(Express)

Recipes App

Live Site

GitHub Repo: Client/Server(Express)

Shoplist App

Live Site

GitHub Repo: Client/Server(Express)

Facebook Clone(Web)

Live Site

GitHub Repo: Client/Server(Spring)

Todolist App

Live Site

GitHub Repo: Client/Server(Spring)

Bugs tracker App

Live Site

GitHub Repo: Client/Server(Flask)

Products Review App

Live Site

GitHub Repo: Client/Server(Fiber)

Coding problems App

Live Site

GitHub Repo: Client/Server(Spring)

Facebook clone(React Native)

GitHub Repo: Visit

Recipe App(React Native)

GitHub Repo: Visit

Shoplist App(React Native)

GitHub Repo: Visit



New York City - Open to Remote
